Common Mistakes To Avoid During Your Muay Thai Training

Muay Thai Training

Muay Thai training is built to be a simple and effective martial art. Its principles and main philosophies are centred on solid and basic substance as opposed to showing off. Even if it is basic, Muay Thai is quite hard to master. You should. Therefore. avoid the following mistakes if you want to master the technique.

Not taking shadow boxing strongly

A lot of beginners do not take shadow boxing seriously. They often think that it is boring and some go as far as to say that they look very stupid trying to spar with an opponent that is not there. But as a fighter, you should understand the numerous benefits of shadowboxing. Shadowboxing is the closest you can get to a fight without the risk of injury.

Poor communication when sparring

Communication is a very important part of a Muay Thai gym. When you spar with an opponent, it is best to talk to them first. You should remember that you are not in the ring to knock each other out but to improve your skills and techniques. When you talk to your partner, you can come to terms and know the sort of areas you are planning to focus on and improve.

Forgetting to stretch

Before and after your training, it is best to stretch. Not just stretch but you should make every muscle in your body tip to a point that it reaches past its comfort zone. It is also very important to stretch in between your training sessions.

Focusing on complex Muay Thai combinations

Most professional fighters favour simple three to five hit combos during training as opposed to the most complex ones. Not that they are easy to do during Muay Thai training but because they are effective. They are efficient, short and when executed properly, they can easily knock someone out.

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