5 Things That The Majority Of New House Painters Overlook

Some people just buy house paint supplies without knowing all that painting a house entails. Painting is not that hard (actually, anybody can do it) but before diving right into getting a piece of furniture or a wall painted, check out this list of the foremost things that new painters might not know. They are not in any particular order – and understanding each of them will help in ensuring the most ideal paint job, all the time.
- Read the can
All kinds of primers and paints feature a need-to-know like safety information regarding the specific formula, on their can, together with the most appropriate temperature for ensuring proper adhesion, coverage, and drying time, as well as the timing of coats. For example, did you ever know that joint compound on walls has to dry for two whole days before the primer is to be applied over it? Save yourself from frustration and your time in the long run – first, read what is written on the can.
- Stir, stir, and stir
There is an excellent reason why you are given a stirrer every single time that you purchase a can of paint. The ingredients do and could separate – make sure that you stir whenever you begin to paint, and again every so frequently while you are painting. This helps in ensuring that the color and finish consistency will eventually appear great. So, always ask for a stirrer anytime you are buying a paint can from any reliable house paint store.
- Sand and patch surfaces before painting
If you do not, every single hole, crack, ridge, or even bump will be additionally visible with any coat of paint on it. An excellent paint job all boils down to the kind of prep work that was done.
- Pour the paint being used into a separate container
This is particularly crucial if you are using a brush that has to be constantly dipped into the paint to have it reloaded. If you dip your brush into the paint can over and over again, you eventually contaminate the paint with dust and dirt from the surface that you are painting on. Furthermore, leaving the paint can open dries paint that’s in it out, a lot faster. It is best that you have the paint being used poured into a separate container you will be capable of holding with one hand while dipping your paint brush into it with the other hand while painting. When the container needs to be refilled, open your paint can, stir, and pour the paint as-needed into the container.
- Never use latex paint over surfaces previously painted with oil paint
Oil paint on doors and trim is truly common in older homes. If you suspect the surface you’ll be painting to be oil-based, ensure that you first use an excellent primer over it. It could be latex primer, but it must be a product that’s designed to prepare such surfaces and aid with adhesion. When primer coats dry, you can then apply latex paint over it.
In conclusion, these are the things that new painters overlook while they go out and just buy house paint supplies. Make sure you avoid them completely.