4 Most Famous Abstract Paintings of All Times

Abstract art is that creation of human’s creativity which has its roots in the intrinsic desire of artists to create marvelous works of art which hold no reference from the visual world. This wish of artists took a beautiful shape in the real world in form of abstract paintings. The twentieth century witnessed the dawn of a new age wherein artists produced art iconic marvels that were entirely unrelated to the physical world. Right from incorporating fundamental changes to utilizing the emerging technology, artists left no stone unturned in order to give a physical form to the most famous abstract paintings of all times.
The very name of this genre of art invokes the idea of detachment from the physical surroundings and it was picked by artists to free them from the restrictions of the mortal world while empowering them to give shape to their vivid imagination. This art form gave artists the liberty to create art which had partial reference to the existing surroundings or a representation of an entirely different thing which is far away from the reality. Available in all shapes and forms, abstract art was successful in winning over the emotional response of its adorers. There are numerous artists who were successful in creating such mesmerizing art marvels which are able to captivate its spectators in today’s times as well. Four of these amazingly enchanting abstract paintings are mentioned below.
Wassily Kandinsky – Untitled (First Abstract Watercolor), 1910
this was the painter who took the brave step to set his creations free from the serfdom of physical world. The Untitled (First Abstract Watercolor) painting was the first of its kind and it marked the beginning of the genre of abstract art. Considered to be the first abstract painting ever, it contains a beautiful amalgamation of vibrant colors that are smeared all across the edges of the art. Mr. Kandinsky’s fascination for colors is quite evident in his creations and for him they weren’t just tools but he considered them as a means of expressing his hidden emotions.
Piet Mondrian – Tableau I, 1921
Expressing his style, Piet Mondrian chose to distinct panels of paint blocks and used thin black lines to do the same. Looking like a geometric design, the artwork is beautifully aligned with measured precision. This piece of art wrote a new chapter in the history of famous abstract paintings as it varied significantly from its previous counterparts. There weren’t any hidden meanings behind this creation and it represented only line, form and color. Anything apart from that wasn’t denoted by this artwork. This painting didn’t just inspire painters and sculptors but ended up arousing artistic instincts on architects and designers.
Jackson Pollock – Full Fathom Five, 1947
It is one of the first drip paintings created by Mr. Pollock. With the strong presence of energetic colors, the artist used a great assortment of methods in order to describe his subconscious. It ranks really high on the list of most famous abstract paintings, courtesy the revolutionary technique of texturing being introduced by it. Mr. Pollock smartly utilized the particles of oil paint dripping on the canvas while simultaneously using other tools to give a physical form to his vivid imagination. The artwork beautifully brings uniformity between multiple crisscrossing.
Helen Frankenthaler – Mountains and Sea, 1952
Giving the effect of watercolor, the artist painted it in oils to give it a distinct appeal. The technique used by her drew the fancy of numerous art enthusiast. She brought in the practice of painting right away on the surface of an unprepared canvas so that it soaks up all the colors. In order to achieve it, she diluted the oil paints by means of turpentine. This soak-stain process was the main cause behind the immense popularity of this artwork. The oil paint ended up getting absorbed in the surface of the canvas, hence giving the painting the look of an organic texture.
Aforementioned are four of the most celebrated and famous abstract paintings which have captivated the world by their artistic brilliance. Every painting has a unique element which was brought from the imaginary world into the physical by means of that artwork.