What Is A Successful Cure For Alopecia?


Alopecia is not your regular hair loss or hair thinning problem. It is an autoimmune disease. Thus, it is much more difficult to cure than a normal hair fall.

The scientific name of this hair problem is alopecia areata. You can go for the best treatment for alopecia areata either through medicines or through home remedies.

Alopecia has some specific symptoms. They seem like normal hair loss in the beginning, but then, you will be able to notice the specific trouble. The main cause of hair loss in alopecia is one’s own immune system.

The immune system directly attacks hair follicles, which leads to massive hair fall. It is not very common and only affects 1 to 2 percent of people on average.

Don’t worry, if you are suffering from alopecia. Here are some useful treatments which will help you to cure alopecia. However, before that, you need to know more about alopecia.

  • What is alopecia?

Alopecia which is also called alopecia areata is an auto-immune disease. In this disease, our own immune system attacks our body cells. Body cells get inflamed and infiltrate the roots of hair or follicles.

It damages the roots and causes hair fall. Mostly, alopecia areata affects our scalp. However, it can also occur on eyelashes, body hair, facial hair, eyebrows, etc. You can ask your doctor for the best treatment for alopecia areata.

  • How can we cure alopecia?

There are many ways to cure alopecia areata. Here, only some of them will be mentioned. It is recommended for you take advice from doctors before doing anything. Alopecia is a complicated disease so medical treatment is needed for it.

However, if you want to try any home remedies, you can do that. They don’t have any side effects. Given below are a few safe home remedies that you can try as well.

  • Medical treatments for alopecia areata –
  1. Topical minoxidil – Minoxidil is widely known for treating hair fall. It is a proven and useful medication and cures alopecia areata easily. Also, minoxidil is very safe to use.

You can also buy it from the medical shop without any prescription. It is best for treating mild alopecia areata. It helps to stop hair fall and also makes hair grow faster.

  1. Immunotherapy – As we said alopecia is an autoimmune disease, so immunotherapy is very much helpful for it. It applies chemicals directly to our scalp.

This chemical causes an allergic reaction in the body which triggers the immune system and stimulates hair growth. Usually, doctors use chemicals like diphencyprone, squaric acid dibutyl ester, dinitrochloro benzene, etc.

  • Home remedies to treat alopecia areata –
  1. Onion juice – One of the best things to grow your hair back. You can apply onion juice to your scalp twice a week and wash it with shampoo.
  2. Hair oil – massage any type of hair oil on your scalp and hair before shampooing. It helps to improve blood circulation.


These are the most famous cures of alopecia. You can look for this type of best treatment for alopecia areata in the market. Although, taking a doctor’s advice before doing anything is very important.

Alopecia is not your regular hair fall. So, treating it without expert advice can make it worse. You can try home remedies because they are safe and have no side effects.

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