Here Is What Is Trending In The Vape Industry

The vape Australia market is always changing and getting better for users. If you are a vaping enthusiast then you have got a lot to look forward to this year. We are always keeping track of the trends and informing you what is going on in the market. Here is a list of some of the hottest trends this year.
More e-liquids with lower nicotine strength
Remember all flavoured and nicotine products are being scrutinised by the government either directly or indirectly. E-cigarettes have not been left behind. Right now, producers of e-liquids are making changes to keep their products safer and better. We all understand that vaping came into prominence due to its fashionable style and people seem to be enjoying it as a hobby and social activity and not as an addiction. Although traditional cigarettes producers may want to compete with e-cigarettes by saying that e-cigs are just as addictive as traditional cigarettes, this is not true. E-cigarettes bring more fun to the users and soon we are going to see more people trying to sample these flavours. However, not everyone is comfortable using nicotine. That is why there is going to be a change in the production of e-liquids with more variety coming onto the market. This means that e-liquids with lower nicotine are going to come up for people who don’t want high doses of nicotine.
Nicotine isn’t harmful. Most harmful illnesses associated with traditional cigarettes are attributed to the burning and inhaling the plant matter and the chemicals added into the cigarette during production. Soon, you will be able to find more varieties of e-liquids in your vape shop in Australia.
Big box mods
In late 2019, there were some rumours that there is going to be a sweeping ban on e-liquids but that was not the case. However, shortly, there could be some restrictions. There will be a limitation of cartridges and flavoured pods. Outside of tobacco and menthol flavours, there could be a ban on flavoured cartridges which would affect some of the most popular brands. However, we are not certain about this because we are just speculating based on current trends. It is very hard to predict how people will respond if there is a ban but the impact will be felt on the production side.
The coming up of new brands
When JUUL came into the market, it dominated so much that very few people thought there would come a competitor. Then there was Myle. Myle has taken a large percentage of the market. Right now, there are a lot of products on the market including the fake Chinese products. This year, consumers should expect more brands to hit the market and it is going to be hard for consumers to choose a brand. We expect JUUL to be the leader for a long while because it will be hard for people to trust new vape Australia products on the market. However, the predicted competition might help in reducing the prices of e-cigs.