Unspoken Rules Of Yoga You Need To Know

If you attend yoga lessons for good health, there is a high chance that you know yoga studies have some rules and notify clients about the rules. However, most of the rules are never written anywhere for the reference of the practitioners. Neither are they told to practitioners. Sometimes, you are left to use common sense. Here are some unspoken rules that you need to follow when taking your yoga classes.
Don’t use your phone
The most important reason why you attend yoga classes is to train and stay fit. Unless there is an emergency you need to attend to with immediate effect, you should not be on the phone. Mobile phones aren’t only distracting to you, your fellow practitioners and your yoga instructor, the distraction can also be very dangerous and lead to serious injuries. Do the class a favour and keep your phone on silent or away.
Don’t disrupt the yoga class
This should be very obvious although some people do not realise it and still go ahead to break it. When you are arriving late or leaving early, you should try and make as minimal disruption as possible. You should sit in the back and not make any loud noises. Just focus on the instructor. Disrupting the whole class will ruin the session for everyone.
Don’t judge
Some people have the mentality of judging others as if they are perfect. When doing yoga near me, it is crucial for everyone to feel comfortable and safe practicing yoga. It does not matter how old you are and what gender you are. You shouldn’t judge people about how they look and how badly they are doing some poses. People have different capabilities and that should get into your mind. Judging people will only discourage them.
Don’t correct others
Unless you are a yoga instructor, do not correct others. Even if you have been doing yoga your entire life or are an instructor, it is not your class to correct others. Let the instructor of the class do the correcting. That is what they are there for. It might come off like you are judging or disturbing people around you even if you mean well.
Don’t talk
Yoga classes are for distressing but this does not mean talking. It is fine to have a conversation before or after a yoga class but once the class is on, it is time to pay attention to your teacher. Talking could cause a distraction for others and cause them to miss the instructions from the teacher. Depending on the yoga style, there may be some times when laughter or small conversations are appropriate. However, for the most part, it is time to listen.
Don’t leave behind trash
Yoga teachers aren’t maids. They have a job of running yoga lessons for good health and not cleaning up after you. Ensure you clean up after yourself when you leave a yoga class. This means taking all your things including your trash. Leaving behind food wrappers, water bottles and other garbage is not acceptable or nice.